Student Life at UPEC

Student Life at UPEC

Cost of living
Paris and its region being one of the most expensive areas in Europe, please have a look at list of estimated expenses for current items in order to establish your monthly budget. Thanks to your UPEC student card, you will beneficiate from reduced fares to cultural and leisure events.

Studying French at UPEC
During your stay at UPEC, you will have the possibility to attend free French courses at UPEC Department of French Language and Culture (DELCIFE). The DELCIFE proposes a wide range of French courses adapted to your level and your interest and organizes cultural activities outside the scope of the University.

As international student, you can enroll in any of the sport courses proposed at UPEC.

Students’ associations
At UPEC, there are more than 40 students’ associations that will help you to meet other students in order to share passions and ideas or to organise student projects: thematic associations, cultural associations, sport associations, humanitarian and social associations, etc.
 As international student, you will have the opportunity to enroll one of these associations.
The student association of UPEC Faculty of Sciences and Technology (ST BDE) and the association French life in Paris (Facebook: FLIP) can provide some help for your integration in France

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